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About Upstate Clinic of Chiropractic

Upstate Clinic of Chiropractic team

Heal Differently

At Upstate Clinic of Chiropractic, our mission is to help people who think differently, heal differently. We want to offer hope and healing to everyone who enters our doors and ensure they have a comfortable and high quality experience. This includes having fantastic doctors who are up to date with the latest in natural healthcare methods and technologies, as well as providing a five-star experience in our office.

For patients who think differently about their health—that is, people who don’t want to rely on medications, surgeries or injections to feel better—we want to make natural healthcare easy, accessible and even fun.

Our Passionate Team

Dr. Zach and Dr. Megan both attended Sherman College of Chiropractic, graduating with their Doctor of Chiropractic degrees in 2020. They have extensive postgraduate training and certifications to offer you the highest quality care possible. In addition to being valedictorian of their graduating class, Dr. Megan is certified in Gonstead Technique and is completing her functional medicine certification. Dr. Zach is certified in Gonstead Technique as well as Trigenics® Neuromuscular Reeducation (knees and shoulders).

They chose Easley because they’re passionate about providing a natural healthcare approach to help people in this hardworking, family-oriented community live their best lives.

Offering Life-Changing Care

Most of our patients seek us out for help with some kind of pain, and are then surprised to learn how chiropractic care can help with so many different health issues, ranging from IBS to infertility. That’s because we work with the body’s innate intelligence, helping you to express and feel your highest potential.

One patient came in with mild low back pain and, in the course of our consultation, he mentioned he had debilitating knee pain that no one had been able to help with. He was astonished to learn about our cutting-edge knee therapy. He’s gone from feeling hopeless about his condition to doing all the things he loves to do, now that he’s free of the knee pain.

Get Started Today

Take your health to the next level naturally! Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

About Upstate Clinic of Chiropractic | (864) 478-8758